Ngwu Charles Obinna(Rocket)


First description

Languages- Lua, Python, GLSL, HTML & CSS
Technology- Love2d, Pygame, PHPmyAdmin

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2d Blobs(fisrt game)

A 2d platformer shooter game(with cool and bright graphics)
This is the very first well pulished game progect i made while learnig love 2d and programing on my mobile.

Others would have gone for something simple like astroids or a very basic platfomer (with a white cube as the player)
for there first game,
but I gave myself a way bigger project even it being at the very early stage of me learning love2d and lua B-).

Because this project was done entirely without a pc,
there were very big issues like:

-map editing
-gamestates design
-sound implementation
-graphics design and assets creation
-enemy ai
-game controls
-ui design
-character selection
-apk packaging and signing…

…But even without the support a pc, after 2 MONTHS the game project was completed,
with a ton of help form my brother in the arts department(<3 u bro)

You can view the complete code repository here or download the apk here

Below are some of the screenshots of the game s development and progress with description

Fixing a very terrible bug that threatened the project at the early stage of development.
The window would clip a small piece of it self to the left top corner of the screen, leaving the wireframe of the collision blocks.
The bug happened when i (inevitably) scaled the camera aand map to values like 0.1, 0.2,…0.9
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More progress…
BTW, one mobile there is no windows or menu for debugging on the console so i have to manually
place my variables on the screen so i can debug, and thats why my screen is so messy in development(and I also think it looks cool B-))
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More and more progress…
fixing issues with shooting
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RIP small screen :-(
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The main menu ;-)
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there are afew more screenshots in the images source code directory at this repo if you are intrested

You can view the complete code repository here or download the apk here

if isAwesome then
  return true