Ngwu Charles Obinna(Rocket)


First description

Languages- Lua, Python, GLSL, HTML & CSS
Technology- Love2d, Pygame, PHPmyAdmin

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BIO-battle it out

A VERY Unique multiplayer 2d platformer shooter
Alrighty…, take the 2d Blobs project here and the WeDraw project here,
put them in a bowl and mix em together, then add… A SPECIAL SAUCE!,
and you ve got BIO.

It has some dope features like:

-locally connecting devices together
-shooting each other
-blocking with the shield(I think it works)
-day and night cycle(request form my bro)
-score board
-flying and jumping
-dying and respawing
-cool house in the middle of nowhere

project code here
Some of the screenshots of the game s development and progress with description below

Early stage of development when there was nothing but drakness and two squares running in nothingness :’-)
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Admin joined the game, yeah
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Falling through ground bug(fixed)
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Adding functioning health bar, score, points, and score board
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Admin in the lead :-D
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This actually is nt complete but i so much love the unique game mechanics that i will definately
recreating it once i get a pc and switch to an engine

Still, you can see the whole project code here